Thursday, May 29, 2008

In My Blues...Part 2

...really don't know what to write here as more 'agonizing' news came and really cause further frustrations. My depressing days continue...

I wanted to go to Rempayoh tomorrow but due to my 'condition', it is best that I just stay at home and rest. I don't want to create a major scene there.

Maybe if I am lucky enough, I might go to the 3rd Batallion - capture a few pics and then rush to Rempayoh. Again these are just tentative.

For now, I still rely on painkillers to ease the pain in my head. These aren't the normal panadols as panadols are like candies for my body. I've been given numerous painkillers ~ the one I am taking right now is working pretty well. I pray that the pain in my head will 'end'.

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